More guesses, anyone?

Inspired by my friend Cris's post, I decided to ask a similar question. Who can tell me what are these fruits that grow from the trunk of their trees?
The first one is edible as it is (and there's nothing like eating them picked right from the tree), and also makes good jam and liqueur.
The second one I must confess I'd never seen before, and unfortunately there were no ripe fruits to photograph. As for its use, I could use Cris's hint...


sonia a. mascaro said...

Gostei das fotos, Geraldo. A primeira eu não vou dizer porque não quero "estragar" a brincadeira logo na primeira, principalmente de seus leitores de língua inglêsa. Tenho duas destas árvores aqui em casa e já fiz um post sobre elas. A segunda não tenho idéia! Vou voltar aqui para descobrir.

Ash said...

Looks interesting!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

the first one's extremely interesting .....i really can't guess what they are ....u gotta drop more hints and maybe then i can begin to guess...but i ve never seen them before......

Cris said...

Geraldo, a primeira eu amo de paixão esta fruta de infância... a outra eu sei onde tem uma madura!!! Lá na serra... perto dos macaquinhos!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Awlright i don't understand Spanish/Portuguese (am guessing , Cris wrote in either) did she guess it ??? :)

Geraldo said...

Cris said (in Portuguese, you're right) that she loves the first one since she was a child, and that she knows where there's a ripe one...
I don't know what hint to give about the first one... It's native to Brazil; it has a funny name, starts with a "J"; and from what I read, it is grown in California... The second one, like I said, can use the same hint as in Cris's post...
Cris, também adoro! E embaixo da árvore é muito mais gostosa, né!
Sonia, quando der a resposta ponho um link para seu post...

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

the hint worked and then Google magic worked .....:DD
Jaboticaba ??? Haha funny name indeed..but very very interesting...

the second one's coffee again ????

Geraldo said...

You got that right! Like I said, it's difficult to give any hint about this fruit that is almost unknown outside Brazil. Instead of giving more details about it, I'll refer you to Sonia's post, that has all you'll ever need to know about jaboticabas (she has two of these trees in her orchard: I envy her!).
As for the second fruit, another breakfast beverage, maybe?

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Wow, what weird fruit ... the smaller ones look interesting. I think I've seen the green one before. Not sure what it is though.
Take care, Meow

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

hey geraldo...i seem to be so pumped abt this quiz :DDD
star fruit???
and chked out Sonia's post..thanx for referring me to it ..:)

shnaggy said...

the second one's very sure.
the first one i guess is a wild kind of plum. just a guess...

Geraldo said...

And the winners are...
Moi, who said Jaboticaba for the first fruit, and
Shnaggy, who said Cacao for the second fruit!
The cacao seeds, after dried and partially fermented, suffer a transformation on their vowels, becoming Cocoa... :-) (In Portuguese, we use the same word for both, Cacau). That's why I said that Cris's hint about coffee (that it makes a very popular beverage) applied here as well...
Cacao is grown in Brazil mainly in the state of Bahia, it's very rare where I live.
As for jaboticaba, all I can say is: if you have a chance, try it! And if you want to learn more about it, check Sonia's post (see the link in my previous comment above).

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

yay!!!! and cocoa's originator look like!!! thanx for the education :)

Kerri said...

I'm fascinated by these fruits and am feeling as excited as Moi about the education! Thanks for these great pictures. My husband and I were so interested to see Cris's pictures of the coffee too.
It's truly amazing to see the way these fruits grow on the trees. I've never seen any fruit attach itself like the Jaboticaba. It's awesome!
I love these guessing games, but so far have not had a clue. After I read a few comments I did guess cocoa before you revealed it...but I had lots of clues by then :)

shnaggy said...

jaboticaba can make a beverage too?

Unknown said...

Hi Geraldo:
Thanks for visiting my blog…I am gladly surprised to see how the world get connect so quick!
You have interesting thing going out here too….! I enjoyed these fruit quizzes..i cheked Cris’s bolg too…;) As moi stated, thanks for the educational part…next time I visit California, will definitely look for the ' jaboticaba'...or may be I should try here in Baltimore too…what say!
I will link your blog to mine, if you do not mind…:)

Geraldo said...

Kerry, this is really an odd fruit, and it's delicious, too!
Shnaggy, there's jaboticaba liqueur, and some sort of "wine", too... Well, I guess any fermented fruit will result in some sort of "beverage", but I can't guarantee it's effects...
a-xpressions, you're welcome, thanks!

Nazzareno said...

Geraldo, he visitado con gran placer tuyo blogs (...también tengo muchos libros). Gracias por el link al blog de la

sonia a. mascaro said...

Geraldo, este post ficou muito legal, bem interativo! Nunca vi pessoalmente um Cacau no pé!
Obrigada pelo link às minhas jabuticabas!