Cactus flower?

My wife saw this plant at a friend's house and liked the way its long leaves grow from other leaves. Our friend gave her a leaf, and the plant developed well. What we didn't know was that it blooms - it happened for the first time 2 years later. The flowers are very delicate and last only for a couple of days. I searched on the Web and found that it's a cactacea, Lepismium houlletianum, also known as Rhipsalis houlletiana and a few other names. I couldn't find a common name, though - probably because it's not a very common house plant...


Was the barn surprised to see me?


Look at their bodies: all muscles, not a bit of fat. Look at their faces: total concentration. More than 33km gone, but still more than 8 to go. And most of the thousands of runners are still in their way in, almost half a race behind...
My compliments to the winners of the São Paulo marathon, run yesterday: Reuben Chepwek, from Kenya (# 8, Michael Mislay, #3, from Tanzania, was second) and Jacquiline Chebor, also from Kenya (Marizete dos Santos, from Brazil, was second). And to all those who participated, even if just for fun.
(The race passes just one block from my home, so that's all the distance I had to run, I mean, walk...)