At the market

CEAGESP is the huge wholesale market that supplies all kinds of fresh food to the city of São Paulo. On Saturdays, the central pavilion houses a farmer's market where anyone can get the best vegetables, fruit, meat, seafood... It's a feast for all senses!


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

it sure is a feast for all senses......i love visiting country markets every Sunday here in Florida....even if not to buy..just to have a gander at all those awesome colours of garden-fresh fruits and vegetables....:)
Loved the pic in which people are almost looks like an assembly line production in a factory and thats an engineer speaking :DDDD

Memories Catcher said...

Excelentes fotos do mercado.As cores estão excelentes.A foto que gosto mais é a primeira,gosto da vista geral do mercado.Bom trabalho!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Gostei muito das fotos! Elas transmitem uma sensação (real) de fartura! E há muito tempo não vou ao CEAGESP.